Mark Fabian - Public Speaker
Too many of us live life oblivious to what is happening around us. Too many of us live in FEAR or are controlled by it. And too many of us are anything but truly happy in our lives. However, it does not need to be this way.

About Mark
Born in 1971, Mark Fabian was born and raised Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The eldest of three children, he was the protector of his siblings. The home was not a safe place due to the severe physical, emotional, and psychological abuse he suffered at the hand of his father. Unfortunately, school was not any better. Being one of the smallest and lightest kids in school, he was bullied for most of his public-school life. As a survival mechanism, Mark learned to key in on people’s non-verbal cues so he could identify potential threats before they identified him as a target. Essentially Mark learned to weaponize his Limbic Brain.
As he got older, this skill set evolved into the very real ability to read people. Mark spent more than a decade in EMS and Fire Fighting in Pennsylvania and is a graduate of the Allentown Law Enforcement Academy in Allentown, PA. He is also an honorably discharged veteran from the United States Air Force and the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. Mark is a nationally certified as a Situational
Awareness for Everyone (S.A.F.E.) Instructor. This platform combines Behavior Analysis and Threat Detection Techniques to help us disrupt that BANG event.
It is the combination of his life experience, his training, and natural ability to read people that make Mark an extremely effective communicator and educator.
I have had the pleasure of participating in a group study where Mark served as co-facilitator. He kept the group focused on key learning objectives, assuring that all had a safe and secure space to engage, share, and reflect on what was being taught.
Mark comes well prepared, confident, and open to lively debate and discussion.
Karen Craig MBA, M.Ed
Adult Education & Professional Development

Mark's Talks

The Disruption of BANG
What is the Disruption of BANG?
It is the act of interrupting the attack profile. For nearly all recorded time, all emergency services have been provided as a reaction to some event “BANG” that created the need for a response (this is called “Right of BANG”). It is time that we create a paradigm shift, time that we become preemptive in dealing with tragic events.
Using Location Specific Physical Security Improvements & Behavioral Analysis Techniques, we can vastly improve our Threat Mitigation & Detection Capabilities, allowing us to work on getting “Left of BANG”.
S.A.F.E. Situational Awareness For Everyone
Knowing & Managing FEAR
As children, many of us were afraid of___________.
❖ The Dark
❖ Spiders
❖ Dogs
❖ Insects
❖ Loud Noises
The list could go on and on.
We feared these things and more even though in most cases, none of these things ever truly caused us any harm. And over time, the things we were afraid of either abated, grew, or were added to. Those that were new or grew, gained power over us.
The concept of “NO FEAR” actually does not exist. It was a great company and marketing slogan, but it is not reality. EVERYONE FEELS FEAR – EVERYONE!!!
The difference between people when it comes to fear is how we deal with it. Some have allowed it to control them and worse yet, some have been taught or conditioned to allow FEAR to control them. And yet others have learned to harness FEAR so that it can inspire or empower them.
“Accept it, face it, and fight it by learning to use it both as a signal and fuel” (Coach Tony Blauer)

Living Life with Intentional Happiness
Ask yourself, are you genuinely happy in your life? And do you see the real value of who you are?
So many of us just go through the motions, day in and day out. You know, pretending to be happy and "Part of the group". All too often never seeing our own value as we try to fit in just enough to not draw any unwanted attention.
❖ At school
❖ At work
❖ At church
❖ With family
This list could go on and on.
Day to day, how many of us are genuinely happy? Or how many of us actually feel lonely while in a crowd? Well, the simple truth is that happiness is a conscious choice that we must make daily.
The HARD truth is that our world, society, social media, and even our families can teach us the exact opposite. However, not only do you deserve to be happy in being you, your happiness and value ARE NOT dependent on anyone or anything else. Your happiness and value begin and end with ONLY YOU. Because you are the one in control of how you respond to the things that happen to you and around you.
Good and bad things will happen to ALL of us. What truly matters is how you choose to respond to those things. You CANNOT control anyone or anything else except for you.
Now it is time to understand the truth of this so that you can be the one to determine your happiness and value. Not some outside influence that you cannot control.